Saturday, 7 January 2012

Delta ParkRun

Last Saturday, I did my usual early morning run with Ian and then I set off to Victory Park to take part in my first ever Delta ParkRun.
A few people were interested in my choice of footwear, including the official photographer. So, I very happily got a "Foot Portrait" done.
I met up with Shaun, whom I have run with a few times and it was his first Parkrun too. We chatted for most of the 5km which made the distance disappear quickly and we even walked a couple times when we got tired. We both ran faster than we thought we would because I was keeping up with him and he was keeping up with me. 

So now the bar has been set and I have a fast-ish time to beat next time. And a next time there will be ... Who wouldn't want to run with this background?

(You can read more about Parkrun at the website here).


Char said...

You could be a foot model - but probably only before the race. I'll bet your feet were too filthy after. Cute toe nails.

Karien P. said...

Looks like a great run!

Love the toe nails too :) .