Thursday, 23 April 2015

You can't run in Normal Shoes

No sandals allowed
Only "Normal Shoes" on the treadmill please

I have been re-reading “The Big Book of Endurance Training and Racing” by Dr. Phil Maffetone.

I read it last year while I was doing my 101 days of running and sort-of used the MAF method but not in a committed way.

A number of weeks ago, FR and I were discussing the theory again and she had the brilliant idea to go to the gym and use the treadmill for a MAF Test. So, early one Monday morning, there we were running on the treadmill, something I haven't done in many, many years and was reminded why I don't do it - even when its cold or wet.

Not long into my run, a gym member of staff, hops onto a treadmill two away from me and says I can't use the treadmill in my "normal shoes".  I said that they aren't normal shoes, they are my running shoes, he didn't believe me, I said I would show him and talk about them, after I finish my workout and I carried on jogging.

Since I don't use the treadmill, I didn't realise that there was a "shoe code" that I was violating. I wonder if somebody complained or if the trainer noticed my sandals all by himself. Anyway, I finished my MAF test (details to follow), in my sandals, on the treadmill - an experience only to be repeated at the beginning of next month to monitor by process.
I didn't see the trainer around when I was done so I didn't have the opportunity to show him my specialised running sandals.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I'm a huge fan of guest-posting! I landed a guestpost on in my first month as freelancer blogger. It was such an awesome, heady feeling. Even though my

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I'm going to implement your tips when I start pitching to the bigger guns out there (Forbes, Business Insider, Copyblogger). Bookmarking this article!

Thank you, Soniya !