Thursday, 29 December 2011

My Secret Santa Arrived

I was really excited to collect a parcel at the post office today and discover that it was from my Secret Santa 🎅 - very kindly organized by Jill at Run With Jill

This is the first time that I have taken part in a gift exchange and I believe that there were over 140 of us that took part. It couldn't have been easy to co-ordinate it all, and must've taken a lot of time, so a great BIG THANK YOU to Jill. 👍

I received ...... A T-Shirt (from Remenants) with the cutest gift tag too. 
The text says Distance makes the heart grow stronger. So very clever.
My favorite thing to get! I think Amanda from Miss Zippy went thru my blog very well 😉 to discover that I love t-shirts. In fact I started running for t-shirts and I was thrilled to get this one from Neil last year.  I loveT-SHIRTS!!! Thank you Amanda!

My Secret Santa posted her parcel on December 13 - only 16 days to get to South Africa and we've had 3 public holidays and Christmas. I am very impressed with the relevant postal services.

Happy Holidays to you all.


Karien P. said...

Love your gift! Still waiting for mine... Can't wait!

misszippy said...

So glad it made it! I was worried with all that distance to travel! And it looks great on you.

So glad to have had the chance to find your blog via the exchange. Big thanks to Jill!

Char said...

Merry Christmas (belatedly) Staci. The t shirt looks really cute on you. Amanda chose well.

Jill said...

I'm obviously very late on this, issues and an overwhelmed life - but I'm so glad the gift arrived and I am WAY jealous of that very cool shirt. Me wants that!

A very happy and healthy 2012 to you...I hope you have tons of successful miles ahead of you :).