Thursday, 6 January 2011

First Virtual Race for TWENTY11

Taken from the I am Boring website:
What the crap is a virtual race?
For those of you who haven't ever participated in a virtual race before, here is the deal. On Saturday, you go out and run 3.1 miles / 5K. You can do it as part of a real race, a longer training run, running in place in the shower - however you want! Nudity is not only welcome, it is preferred.

But, I'm in Australia! It is hotter here than a dried turd on the barbie.
It doesn't have to be cold where you are (I'm talking to you southern hemisphere folks!). Instead, you just have to promise to run the 5K and not brag TOO much about how it is 30 degrees Celsius where you are.

Who: You and 10s of your closest Boring Runner readers (along with 12+ Phoenix area runners on a measured 5K course)
What: 3.1 miles
When: Saturday January 8th, 2011 (loads of time for you to prepare and me to figure out prizes)
Where: Wherever the crap you want! Outside, treadmill, in front of the WII, nude in the shower, wherever!
Why: Because basically everyone is doing it
How: A mixture of GU and horse steroids

Feeling left out in the cold like a puppy who just pooped on the carpet?
If you feel like you are missing out on all of the fun, it is NOT to late to enter. Leave a comment on that post and I'll add you to the contest!
I have entered and plan on running the 5km barefoot. This will be the first half of my planned 10km training run on Saturday Morning. I will be taking lots of photos, so please check back here on Saturday afternoon for my race report.

1 comment:

Char said...

We Australians don't brag about it being 30 degrees C - we moan about it!