Thursday, 5 April 2012

It's Easter already

It's quite hard to focus on what I have done rather than what I haven't done. I have missed two races, entered and had a number for. I have missed more than 300 kms in training thru March and am down by more than 500 kms in my year-to-date of training. My training is nowhere near what it should be in order to complete The Comrades Marathon, all 89kms, which is taking place in only 59 days.

I had a couple of tough decisions to make last week and I decided to a) not give my Comrades entry away and 2) I will line up and run to (at least) half way and be part of the experience and put value to the kind donations given to Pinkdrive.

In the meantime, I have had an X-ray and my left, second metatarsal is fractured. It is aligned and healing well. I will continue to not-run and keep up with my TI swimming, running in the pool and Pilates for at least the next 10 days. I am walking better, can wear regular shoes again and can take a little pressure on the ball of my foot while running in water. I am going to see a lynosport therapist at the suggestion of one reader.

I plan on starting a gentle run/walk program from Sunday 15th which will give me 7 weeks to train toward a marathon (halfway point of Comrades).

I will be missing the Randburg Harriers Easter 100km aka "The Poor Man's Two Oceans" taking place this weekend. I ran the Sunday portion last year, in the cold and rain. Wishing those taking part, happy running.

Two Oceans is also happening this weekend, in Cape Town. My best wishes go out to Karen, doing her first ultra - "slow and steady girl, you'll have a blast and finish well." and, to Norman, "Happy walking, your ankle will be fine and you'll be done in time". To all those from Morningside Runners - "Have a fantastic weekend, make yourselves proud." to everyone else taking part in the trail, the half or the ultra, Have a great run!

To you, wherever you may be running, happy running and a Happy Easter or Pesach to you and your families.



Tracy said...

So glad to hear you are going for Lyno! Hope you benefit as much as I did. It seems to be in line with what you believe in, barefoot runnng etc. hope you found a good therapist, mine is excellent but in Pretoria. She is also a Comrades runner. I joined your Facebook page, drop me a line if you need any furher info.

Karien P. said...

I like your Comrades strategy :). A blessed Easter to you and your family!

Kate Geisen said...

Sorry for the can be so frustrating to look at what you "should" have been doing if you weren't hurt, but it sounds like you're making the best of what you CAN do and playing it smart so as not to prolong things.

Happy Easter!